Hand & Skin Care
The most common transmission method for infectious bacteria – like MRSA and common Staph – and viruses, is via touch and transfer by your hands and skin. When washing your hands is not an option, keep Pro~Tex™ Foaming Hand & Skin Sanitizer handy. Unlike Alcohol-based hand sanitizers, Pro~Tex™ is alcohol-free and NON-FLAMMABLE. Our foaming hand sanitizer will not strip away your body oils and dry your skin out, leaving it chapped and cracked. Pro~Tex™ alcohol-free foam will not irritate your skin like alcohol gels. Pro~Tex™ alcohol-free hand sanitizer leaves your skin soft and supple. Also, because it is alcohol-free and NON-FLAMMABLE, it is safe for use in oxygen enriched environments like hospitals and nursing homes. The active ingredient in our alcohol-free hand sanitizer remains active even after it is dry (unlike alcohol) therefore it continues to provide protection from newly acquired bacteria.
As always, when fresh, clean rinse water is available, always wash your hands with a high quality, antibacterial hand soap, like DeFends™, antibacterial foaming hand soap .