Education & Childcare
Infection control in schools & daycare centers is so important. Parents leave them in your care for hours at a time. Sometimes even when they are sick. You cannot control what they touch, share, hold, even taste. You can only control how clean and sanitary those things are. From ALCOHOL-FREE hand & skin sanitizer to hospital-grade disinfectants, we can help you maintain the safe, hygienic environment that those kids need – and those parents expect!!
Schools by their very nature are a communal, sharing environment. However, you don’t want to share EVERYTHING – like colds, viruses, H1N1, and infectious bacteria like Staph and MRSA. Whether it is in the computer lab or the cafeteria, the gym or the playing field, these nasty bacteria and viruses can bring a school to a standstill. To make matters worse, the sick or infected students and employees then bring these ailments home to be spread around their families.
Prevention is much easier and more effective than treatment!