
It used to be that you only worried about picking up a nasty infection in the hospital. Infection control for athletic teams, exercise facilities, health clubs and on synthetic turf has become very important.

Perhaps nowhere else are the cleaning, hygiene & infection control protocols more important than in our correctional facilities, prisons & jails. The combination of a high concentration of people in close quarters, with poor hygiene practices and frequently abraded skin or open wounds, creates such a perfect scenario for an outbreak of severe infections like Staph and MRSA.

Infection control in schools & daycare centers is so important. Parents leave them in your care for hours at a time. Sometimes even when they are sick. You cannot control what they touch, share, hold, even taste. You can only control how clean and sanitary those things are. From ALCOHOL-FREE hand & skin sanitizer to hospital-grade disinfectants, we can help you maintain the safe, hygienic environment that those kids need – and those parents expect!!

EDMAR CHEMICAL COMPANY has been playing in integral role in Infection Control for health care facilities for over 50 years. Proper disinfection & sanitizing for every high-touch surface, textiles and skin – is essential. Stop the Cross-contamination from MRSA, Staph, H1N1, Norovirus, C.Diff and E. Coli. Hospital-acquired infections in doctors’ offices, clinics and hospitals are a leading cause of re-admittance, resulting in and a huge threat to your patients and a significant cost to your facility. Sanitize your scrubs, laundry, bedding, curtains, drapes, & towels in the same way that you disinfect your facility.

EDMAR CHEMICAL COMPANY has been playing in integral role in Infection Control for health care facilities for over 50 years. Proper disinfection & sanitizing for every high-touch surface, textiles and skin – is essential. Stop the Cross-contamination from MRSA, Staph, H1N1, Norovirus, C.Diff and E. Coli. Hospital-acquired infections in doctors’ offices, clinics and hospitals are a leading cause of re-admittance, resulting in and a huge threat to your patients and a significant cost to your facility. Sanitize your scrubs, laundry, bedding, curtains, drapes, & towels in the same way that you disinfect your facility.

When they show up to work it is never under the best of circumstances. They need protection from bodily fluids, hazardous materials and infectious bacteria, like Staph & MRSA. Firefighters, Police Officers, EMT’s and Military can be exposed to any of these in their daily routine – and they can’t leave until the job is done.

Protecting your residents, staff and visitors from cross-contamination from such things as Staph, MRSA, C. Diff. & NoroVirus is a top priority. Infection prevention in nursing homes is essential. It is good for your people – and it is good business.